sorry i haven't updated the site for a while because i have been busy.
the christmas season has only two week left.
it was sunday morning, just before the parade begins.
plaza was filled with people.
yesterday was warm, but it was cold today.
it will be colder from tomorrow.
let's bring heavy winter clothing.
i saw the new stage in front of the cinderella castle,
but i couldn't go near it because many people were sitting and waiting for the parade.
i'll go there tomorrow.
there were many people sitting and waiting for the parade around "partners".
i telephotographed the stage.
tds 10:15-  there were still long queues on the ticket booths.
spending time to buy tickets is waste of time.
if possible, i would like to recommend buying the ticket in advance to enter the park directly.
cafe portofino
ribbons on christmas trees and decorations are really beautiful.
please see them at close range.
illegally parked bicycles were separated.